Python komunitu tvoria ľudia z celého sveta s rôznorodým súborom zručností, osobností a skúseností. Tieto rozdiely prispievajú k tomu, že naša komunita prežíva veľké úspechy a pokračuje v raste. Keď pracuješ s členmi a členkami komunity, odporúčame ti dodržiavať tieto pokyny, ktoré pomáhajú riadiť tvoju interakciu s ostatnými a snažia sa udržať Python komunitu pozitívnu, úspešnú a rastúcu.

Člen(ka) Python komunity je:


Členovia a členky komunity sú otvorení k spolupráci, či už ide priamo o vývoj samotného Pythonu, štandardnej knižnice, dokumentácie, PEPov, vývoj iných Python projektov, iných open source projektov, riešenie spoločensko prospešných problémov, alebo o prácu na iných spriatelených projektoch. Sme vnímaví ku komentárom a konštruktívnej kritike, pretože skúsenosti a zručnosti ostatných členov a členiek prispievajú k celému nášmu úsiliu. Prijímame všetkých, ktorí sa chcú zúčastniť našich aktivít, podporujeme prostredie, kde sa môže ktokoľvek podieľať a každý ho môže zlepšiť.


Členovia a členky komunity sú ohľaduplní voči ostatným používateľom a používateľkám Pythonu. Rešpektujeme úsilie druhých, pričom máme na pamäti, že častokrát ich práca bola venovaná len pre dobro komunity. Sme všímaví v našich vyjadreniach, či už osobne alebo on-line, a sme taktní, keď príde na rozdielne názory.


Členovia a členky komunity sú úctiví. Rešpektujeme ostatných, ich názory, ich zručnosti, ich záväzky a ich úsilie. Rešpektujeme dobrovoľné úsilie, ktoré venujú Python komunite. Rešpektujeme postupy stanovené v komunite a využívame ich pri práci. Keď nesúhlasíme, sme zdvorilí pri adresovaní našich problémov.

Celkovo sme dobrí k sebe navzájom. Prispievame k tejto komunite nie preto, že musíme, ale preto, že chceme. Ak si to uvedomíme, tak nám tieto pokyny prídu prirodzené.

Slovenská Python komunita

PyCon SK aj slovenské Python stretnutia sa plne stotožňujú s kódexom správania Python komunity. Prinášame prostredie, ktoré je otvorené pre všetkých, nezávisle na pohlaví, sexuálnej orientácii, postihnutí, fyzickom vzhľade, veľkosti, rase, vzdelaní či vierovyznaní. Každá komunikácia by mala byť úctivá a na profesionálnej úrovni. Buďme k sebe navzájom tolerantní.

Neurážame, ani nezhadzujeme iných účastníkov a účastníčky. Správame sa profesionálne. Obťažovanie, sexistické, rasistické, alebo inak znevažujúce vtipy sú nevhodné na našich stretnutiach. Nebudeme tolerovať obťažovanie účastníkov a účastníčok našich stretnutí v akejkoľvek forme.

Prečítať si viac o kódexe správania

How we handle CoC incidents

This section summarizes the procedures the PyCon SK staff uses to enforce the Code of Conduct.

We will acknowledge all receipts of the reports and evaluate conflicts of interest. All reported incidents will be evaluated and consequences for the reported behavior will be proposed. We plan to follow up with the reported person as well as with the reporter.

Code of Conduct enforcement team:

  • - Veronika Antalová,
  • - Ján Gondoľ,

Conflicts of interests include:

  • - The reporter or reported person is your manager
  • - You have a romantic or platonic relationship with either the reporter or the reported person. It’s fine to participate if they are an acquaintance.
  • - The reporter or reported person is your family member
  • - The reporter or reported person is your direct client
  • - The reporter or reported person is someone you work closely with. This could be someone on your team or someone who works on the same project as you.
  • - The reporter or reported person is a maintainer who regularly reviews your contributions

Committee members do not need to state why they have a conflict of interest, only that one exists. Other work group members should not ask why the person has a conflict of interest.

Anyone who has a conflict of interest will remove themselves from the discussion of the incident, and recuse themselves from voting on a response to the report.

If the incident occurred outside the community, but a community member’s mental health or physical safety may be negatively impacted if no action is taken, the incident may be in scope. Private conversations in community spaces are also in scope.

Reports which involve higher risk or higher impact may face more severe consequences than reports which involve lower risk or lower impact.

The event staff will determine a concrete behavioral modification plan that ensures the inappropriate behavior is not repeated. The event staff will also discuss what actions may need to be taken if the reported person does not agree to the behavioral modification plan.

What follows are examples of possible behavioral modification plans for incidents that occur in online spaces under the scope of this Code of Conduct. This behavioral modification list is not inclusive, and the event staff reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary.

  • - Requiring that the reported person not use specific language
  • - Requiring that the reported person not join in on specific types of discussions
  • - Requiring that the reported person not send private messages to a community member
  • - Requiring that the reported person not join specific communication channels
  • - Removing the reported person from administrator or moderator rights to community infrastructure
  • - Removing a volunteer from their duties and responsibilities
  • - Removing a person from leadership of relevant organizations
  • - Removing a person from membership of relevant organizations

Propose consequences

Possible private responses to an incident include:

  • - Nothing, if the behavior was determined to not be a Code of Conduct violation
  • - A verbal or emailed warning
  • - A final warning
  • - Temporarily removing the reported person from the online community
  • - Permanently removing the reported person from the online community
  • - Publishing an account of the incident

Follow up with the reported person

The event staff will work with online community administrators/moderators to draft a response to the reported person.

The work group should not state who reported this incident. They should attempt to anonymize any identifying information from the report. The reported person should be discouraged from contacting the reporter to discuss the report. If they wish to apologize to the reporter, the work group can accept the apology on behalf of the reporter.

If the reported person provides additional context, the event staff may need to re-evaluate the behavioral modification plan and consequences.

Follow up with the reporter

A person who makes a report should receive a follow up email stating what action was taken in response to the report. If the work group decided no response was needed, they should provide an email explaining why it was not a Code of Conduct violation.

The follow up email should be sent no later than one week after the receipt of the report. If deliberation or follow up with the reported person takes longer than one week, the work group should send a status email to the reporter.
