
Pyments: How To Design Payment Applications In Python

Anglický jazyk Alvaro Duran

Payments are a massive part of how the world works. But most engineers know very little about it. That’s sad, because, as more and more of business happens online, there’s an increasing demand for payment applications that are scalable, and maintainable. Besides, Python is a gr... (Celý popis)


Naming: Why it's important and how to do it right

Anglický jazyk Daniel Hervás

When reviewing PRs from junior devs, the most common issue I find isn't bad syntax or incorrect logic. It's imprecise variable names! This aspect of programming, which seems unimportant or inconsequential to new programmers, is actually of extreme importance and key in the mainta... (Celý popis)


Pointers? In My Python? It's More Likely Than You Think!

Anglický jazyk Eli Holderness

Python is a wonderful thing that takes all the complication of memory management away from us. We don’t have to worry about pre-allocating memory for our objects, or remember to free it once we’re done. So, given that we’re not doing it manually, how do these things happen? Do we... (Celý popis)


Python jako projekt

Český jazyk Petr Viktorin

Většina z nás používá Python jako jako jazyk, ve kterém vyjádřit co je potřeba udělat, a jako nástroj který to pak udělá. Jak se ale stane, že takový Python existuje? Kdo se o něj stará? Kdo píše dokumentaci? Kde a jak se tihle lidi domlouvají? A kdyby ses chtěl/a nějakým způsobe... (Celý popis)


Innovative data science education: The story of Data Science Academy

Anglický jazyk Jakub Hantabal a Laura Johanesová

Taking the first step in learning data science in Python can be challenging. To help people overcome this fear, we co-founded Data Science Academy - an NGO providing accessible data science education focused on building a collaborative community of data enthusiasts. Over the past... (Celý popis)


Sign language recognition: Enabling communication for the hearing-impaired through machine learning

Anglický jazyk Karel Boháček

In this talk, our project on sign language recognition will be presented. The aim of the project is to create a prototype app that can facilitate communication between hearing-impaired individuals and those who do not know sign language. The challenges faced by hearing-impaired i... (Celý popis)


GIL: What's the hassle and... should I care?

Anglický jazyk Jacek Kołodziej

GIL often appears as a scary, obscure *gizmo*. Misunderstanding this aspect of Python may lead to *suboptimal architectural choices*. I invite you to see my attempt at explaining the GIL and its implications, as well as providing pointers for **how to deal with the GIL** in speci... (Celý popis)


Saying Bye to the Keyboard, Hello to Alexa with Python AWS Lambda

Anglický jazyk Yuliia Barabash

Sometimes, you sit at home and think about whether it would be possible to automate your tasks with voice instructions. For example, do I receive emails from person A, or can you summarize my day? How about doing this without opening the laptop? Thanks to Alexa you can use your v... (Celý popis)


Ako v Pythone naprogramovať a natrénovať neurónovú sieť na generovanie textu

Slovenský jazyk Luboslav Lacko

Praktická ukážka ako naprogramovať neurónovú sieť, ktorá sa natrénuje na textoch kníh a následne dokáže generovať texty. Priebežne bude vysvetlené fungovanie neurónových sietí vrátane doprednej a spätnej propagácie, aktivačných funkcií, miznúceho gradientu a podobne ... (Celý popis)


Nix: know what you are running, testing and deploying

Anglický jazyk Matúš Ferech

Nix is a tool for declaring reproducible build and development environments. With Nix, you can be sure that every team member is running precisely the same application in the development, testing, and deployment environment. Do you know the issues when a new team member is tryi... (Celý popis)


Selecting tools to fight complexity in large Python projects

Anglický jazyk Maxim Danilov

An overcomplicated project increases development and maintenance time. If a complete redesign is not possible, we can try to distribute the complexity across the existing codebase. The AI assistants cannot help us with this task yet, and we should discuss manual methods and tools... (Celý popis)


Solving Two Hard Problems in Computer Science Using Pandas

Anglický jazyk Miroslav Šedivý

There are 2 hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-1 errors. -- Leon Bambrick When working with timeseries representing the production data of power plants, the fundamental step is to define a good data structure. The shape of the datafr... (Celý popis)


The different types of API authentications: the stories from the trenches of third party integrations

Anglický jazyk Sara Jakša

APIs are one of the way we are using to communicate between different systems and services. And one of the important components of this system is figuring out, if who is trying to access it and if they are allowed to do this. In this talk I want to talk about the different types ... (Celý popis)


Azure OpenAI for Python developers in enterprise organizations

Anglický jazyk Štěpán Bechynský

You will see how to use OpenAI in enterprise organizations. How to deploy GPT model just for your organization, how to protect it from public internet access and how to work with Python OpenAI SDK.... (Celý popis)


How to not get crazy from information overload

Anglický jazyk Veronika Kabátová

There's too many pieces of advice out there to keep them in mind and actually remember to apply them when it matters. It's tempting to become a genius overnight as the competition is harsh. But trying to become perfect and keep every piece of information in mind is overwhelming a... (Celý popis)


Are you ready for MLOps?

Anglický jazyk Jeroen Overschie

MLOps has survived the hype cycle and is gaining in maturity. But are we looking at MLOps for answers for the _right things_? No matter how valuable MLOps can be for you, without proper building blocks in place MLOps cannot live up to its full potential. What are the prerequisit... (Celý popis)


Decoding FastStream: A Deeper Dive into the Event Streaming Library

Anglický jazyk Tvrtko Sternak

FastStream simplifies the development of services communicating over event streams such as Apache Kafka, Redis and Nats. In our talk, we introduce its origin, basics, and delve into advanced features. Past talks raised awareness; this year, we are slowly shifting focus on technic... (Celý popis)


Knižnica Numba alebo ako zrýchliť Python?

Slovenský jazyk Rudolf Starovský

Programovací jazyk Python nepatrí z pohľadu výkonnosti medzi najrýchlejšie programovacie jazyky. Ak chceme zrýchliť naše výpočty v jazyku Python, môže nám pomôcť knižnica Numba, vďaka ktorej môžeme dosiahnuť výkonnosť podobnú kompilovaným jazykom C alebo C++. V prednáške vysvetlí... (Celý popis)


Simulate, Analyze, Learn: Python's Physics Simulation

Anglický jazyk Jan Margeta

Join us on a journey through the world of physics simulators from Python. This talk will explore the power and versatility of various physics simulation libraries, shedding light on their applications and capabilities, in particular applied to robotics. Discover how these libra... (Celý popis)


Build applications with generative AI on Google Cloud

Anglický jazyk Márton Kodok

We will explore Vertex AI - Model Garden powered experiences, we are going to learn more about the integration of these generative AI APIs. We are going to see in action what the Gemini family of generative models are for developers to build and deploy AI-driven applications. Ver... (Celý popis)


Možnosti spracovania veľkých dát (HugeData/BigData) v jazyku Python

Slovenský jazyk Tibor Kurina

V súčasnom digitálnom veku sa veľké dáta (Big Data) stávajú kľúčovou súčasťou mnohých priemyselných a vedeckých aplikácií. Táto prednáška sa zameriava na možnosti, ktoré ponúka programovací jazyk Python pri spracovaní veľkých dát. Úvodná časť poskytne prehľad o veľkých dátach, ic... (Celý popis)


How do imports work, and why should I care? (and why should I use a tool like PDM?)

Anglický jazyk Dom Weldon

ELEVATOR PITCH I asked myself a question: “what happens when you import something in python?” The answer was not as simple as I thought. In this talk, I’ll share what I learnt, and discuss why this is vital for security, before sharing opinions on tooling, especially the use of t... (Celý popis)


Tackling Malaria with Python and distributed computing

Anglický jazyk Amit Kumar

In this talk I’ll talk about how we leveraged tools in the PyData ecosystem to be able to analyze genomics datasets containing over 100 million variants x 100 samples. In large-scale genomics analysis pairwise distance is a common technique to reduce samples, which is a very tim... (Celý popis)


Large Language Models Across Languages

Anglický jazyk Pavel Král

My presentation, titled "Large Language Models Across Languages" aims to explore the fascinating world of large language models (LLMs) and their varying efficiencies in different languages. My talk is grounded in extensive research publicly available on GitHub, providing a robus... (Celý popis)


The Beauty of Sinus And Cosinus: Hypotrochoid Curves as a Web App

Anglický jazyk Vojta Filipec

This is a talk of a data scientist who loves to play with math, enjoys creating visualisations in Jupyter Notebook but has limited capabilities of sharing his notebooks online. I will explain what hypotrochoid curves are, how to plot them in Jupyter Notebook, then how remake a no... (Celý popis)


Teaching Children Python - What Works?

Anglický jazyk Mykalin Jones

Have you ever tried to teach your kids programming? Do you have friends trying to learn as an adult? Have you ever wondered if you would have been better off learning to code earlier in life? The push for more people to learn to code has caused an explosion in the educational ind... (Celý popis)


Data Engineering Story

Anglický jazyk Peter Steiner

From Data Engineering at Takeda to Revolutionizing Real Estate Search: A Journey of Innovation and Impact. Join me on an inspiring journey that traces my evolution from a Data Engineer at Takeda to the founder of a successful real estate search startup "" with a thr... (Celý popis)


Pythonic Outliers: Mastering LOF Detection

Anglický jazyk Peter Bakonyi

Join us for an insightful talk that delves into the fundamentals of leveraging the Local Outlier Factor (LOF) algorithm in Python for anomaly detection. Anomalies, or outliers, in datasets can hold crucial information yet often remain elusive without proper tools. This presenta... (Celý popis)


Analýza freelance trhu. Trendy, štatistiky a prehľad v IT projektoch

Slovenský jazyk Michal Brandis

Všimli ste si, ako často recruiteri nerozumejú IT? Nevedia vám poriadne vysvetliť, akú pracovnú pozíciu ponúkajú, spätná väzba po pohovore sa postupne stáva sci-fi fenoménom a keď už sa vám konečne podarí získať nový projekt, mnohí z vás zaň nedostanú ani férové finančné ohodnote... (Celý popis)


Python pre DevOps

Slovenský jazyk Mirek Biňas

Hovorí sa, že tým najlepším lepidlom na lepenie Dev a Ops je bash. Používame ho na drobné skripty, na tvorbu vlastných nástrojov z príkazového riadku, na ľahkú automatizáciu pomocou cron-u alebo na písanie úloh pre CI/CD. Aj keď má bash v tejto oblasti svoje nezastupiteľné miesto... (Celý popis)


Introduction to Automation and Scripting: A Beginner's Workshop in Python

Anglický jazyk PyLadies Bratislava

Unlock the power of automation and scripting with our beginner-friendly workshop in Python. This hands-on session introduces participants to fundamental Python programming, automation concepts, and essential scripting skills. Ideal for beginners, this workshop empowers individual... (Celý popis)


Uncovering patterns in a dataset via data visualization and accessible machine learning

Anglický jazyk Jakub Hantabal a Laura Johanesová

In this workshop, we will learn how to gain insight into a dataset. We will use a dataset that everyone can relate to - Pokemon! This workshop will be entirely practical - you will code along with us in a Jupyter notebook. We will be explaining the theory and rationale behind wha... (Celý popis)


How to MLOps: Experiment tracking & deployment

Anglický jazyk Yke Rusticus a Jeroen Overschie

What's this thing called **MLOps**? You may have heard about it by now, but never really understood what all the fuzz is about. Let's find out together! In this tutorial, you will learn about MLOps and take your first steps in a hands-on way. To do so, we will be using **Open So... (Celý popis)


Micro:bit a Python

Český jazyk Štěpán Bechynský

Přijďte s vlastním laptopem, já vám půjčím Micro:bit a sami si vyzkoušíte práci s fyzickým hardware, který podporuje Python. Workshop je vhodný zejména pro učitele a lektory v kroužcích mládeže. Uvidíte, jak učit Python jinak.... (Celý popis)


Mám dáta, čo s nimi?

Slovenský jazyk Elena Štefancová

Prehľad vhodných Python knižníc pre úplné začiatky práce s dátami.... (Celý popis)


Creating really Multilingual Django project in few steps

Anglický jazyk Maxim Danilov

In this talk, we can go together through all the milestones needed to create a truly multilingual Django Project in 120 minutes. This includes the translation of static texts for both front end and back end, adjustments for dynamic data translations, and translations of graphical... (Celý popis)


Score A+ for Security Headers with Django application

Anglický jazyk Shahriyar Rzayev

The tutorial will focus on developing a Django application that utilizes ReadOnce objects, ensuring secrets can only be accessed once before being permanently deleted. Additionally, the workshop will guide attendees through the best practices for achieving an A+ rating in securit... (Celý popis)


Dátová analytika ako predjedlo

Slovenský jazyk Michal Kaukič a Mirek Biňas

Veľa je dát na svete, všetky o niečom hovoria, ak sa k nim prihliadneme. Vybrali sme údaje o taxikároch v New Yorku a budeme ich spolu pojedať na tácke Jupytera, s polars namiesto noža a vidličky. Lepšie raz vidieť, ako veľa ráz počuť, preto budeme kresliť čo sa dá, aj čo veľmi n... (Celý popis)


Creating a RAG tool in Python

Anglický jazyk Pavel Král

In this workshop we will have a hands-on experience with creating a simple RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) tool in Python. We will use the OpenAI API to calculate embeddings and integrate with GPT. We will learn about the following topics: - Tokenization basics: what are to... (Celý popis)


AsyncSocket Mastery

Slovenský jazyk Tomáš Pulai

Workshop ponúka pohľad do sveta asynchrónneho programovania v jazyku Python, s dôrazom na modul asyncio a prácu s TCP/IP socketmi. Účastníci sa naučia: - základy asynchrónneho programovania - jeho výhody pri manipulácii so sieťovými soketmi Hlavnou časťou workshopu budú praktick... (Celý popis)


Ako sa predať na trhu práce (CV/LINKEDIN)

Slovenský jazyk Sylvia Ličková

Životopis Vás sprevádza celým kariérnym životom. Nepotrebujete ho len pri hľadaní novej práce. Často býva súčasťou prihlášky na kurz, školenie či rozvojové programy. Ak ho vypracujete správne, zvýšia sa Vaše šance na úspech. Na workshope sa spolu pozrieme na konkrétne stratégie... (Celý popis)


CoderDojo workshop pre mladých ľudí od 7 do 17 rokov

Slovenský jazyk CoderDojo

Kluby CoderDojo sú neformálne stretnutia, kde majú deti možnosť rozvíjať svoje zručnosti v priateľskej komunite svojich rovesníkov a technických mentorov (spravidla profesionálnych programátorov). Stretnutia majú formát hackerspaceov: téma je voľná a deti motivujeme k práci na v... (Celý popis)


BBC micro:bit workshop pre mladých ľudí od 9 do 15 rokov

Slovenský jazyk Tomáš Božik

Na workshope pre deti vo veku od 9 do 15 rokov si pomocou programovateľného zariadenia BBC micro:bit vytvoríme jednoduchého papierového robotíka. Deti sa naučia ako rozblikať diódy, prehrať hudbu a pochopia základy blokového programovania na platforme MakeCode. Okrem práce s micr... (Celý popis)