
Veronika Kabátová


I'm an open source enthusiast who enjoys mentoring newbies, building communities around projects and convincing teams to do project management the right way - with documentation, testing, reliability and transparency in mind. During my ~9 years of experience in tech, I went from being a lost beginner, through a leader of a Linux kernel testing project, to a development pipeline architect. Tech work is people work, and I have more than enough experience talking to people on both sides to show for it. I'm also one of the organizers of the neighboring PyCon CZ, to give back to the amazing Python community that welcomed me when I needed it the most.

How to not get crazy from information overload Talk

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Veronika Kabátová

There's too many pieces of advice out there to keep them in mind and actually remember to apply them when it matters. It's tempting to become a genius overnight as the competition is harsh. But trying to become perfect and keep every piece of information in mind is overwhelming and stressful.

Where's the line between what's realistic, both as a beginner and as experienced programmer? What are some good habits to adopt right away, and how do they relate to your typical programming memes?

We'll take a look at some behaviors even experienced IT folks struggle with and how to do things instead and why, to get you a head start in your new journey.